Integral Archiconsult has carried out the Execution Management of the works and the Integrated Management with the Health and Safety Coordination of the rehabilitation and extension of the Odèon Theater, an ancient building intended for various cultural and associative activities. The building is catalogued for its historical importance in the village, BCIL protection level (Cultural Asset of Local Interest).
It is also part of the archaeological protection and expectation area AR 001 near to the church described in the “Catalog of architectural heritage and elements of historical and artistic interest” in Canet de Mar.
The main objective of the project has been the restitution of the Odèon, including the recovery of the Hall, recovering its theatrical and performance function, the adaptation of the building as a cultural center and meeting point, as well as the restoration of the volumetric and heritage values of the building built more than 100 years ago by Rafael Masó, and its opening to the public space and the urban fabric of the recovered building.
The recovery and enhancement of the heritage values of the building of the former consumer cooperative is noteworthy. Also important are other aspects such as the construction system used, the building’s energy efficiency and respect for the environment both in the construction process and in the use of the building itself.
DILMÉ FABRÉ TORRAS i Associats SLP has been the author of the Project and the works Directors, with whom we have completed the team.
The total surface of the equipment is 1,530 m2, distributed in ground floor, mezzanine, first floor, and technical floor; the investment has amounted to about 2,327,203 Euros of PEC.
The works started in September 2019 and have been carried out for 30 months, taking into account the months of pandemic by COVID 19.